Anton van Doornmalen has always been someone who connects. With "We are one", he has now created the perfect song to do just that. It is the anthem for the 100th anniversary of the Rijk Zwaan company. He is chairman of the supervisory board, co-owner and former director of the company. 

"We are one" was presented to Rijk Zwaan employees around the world on July 1. Now it is available for all fans, on YouTube or via Spotify.  The song is a unifying anthem that connects all Rijk Zwaan subsidiaries and is accompanied by the European Pop Orchestra, a symphony orchestra specializing in pop music. "It's a very special song for me," says Anton: "It really sounds very special, something very different from the ballads I usually write."

Timeless lyrics, orchestral music

For the song, Anton worked with his band members Co Vergouwen and Laurens van Wessel. "As professionals, they know more about arrangements and sound. Because it not only has to sound good in an intimate setting, but also as part of an orchestral performance," says Anton and adds: "We were looking for a melody with a chorus that invites you to sing along. Co and Laurens put me in touch with the European Pop Orchestra, a symphony orchestra that specializes in pop music." The lyrics had to be timeless and not about milestones. "In some of my other songs I had used material written by my colleague Steven Roberts from Rijk Zwaan Australia. I wanted to incorporate ideas and a melody from him into this song. A nice idea - a co-written song."

Rijk Zwan-Feeling

After all the preparations for the melody and lyrics, Anton and his musicians went into the studio with a rough concept. "We finished the song in just four hours! For me, the whole Rijk Zwaan feeling is captured in those three minutes. 'We are one' is important to me. Lots of people all over the world who are all connected."