De Atmosphärenbilder and the music from the concert in the Erato small theatre in Roosendaal in 2012 let you experience and participate in what makes so many people happy. Another highlight of these concerts is that the poet Driek van Wissen reads from his own works with great joy and humour.

Take the time to dream a little. It's worth it.


Songtexte und Tracklist




The sun is shining


Welcome to my world


Über den Wolken




Nog steeds bij mij


Die Droom




Bye, bye Love


Bye, bye Love


Ich wollte wie Orpheus singen


Een nieuw Slaapliedje


Verdronken vlinder


Leaving on a jetplane


Wat zo gewoon was !!!


De kou is.....


Kwaad of erger


The young ones


Leef en heb Lief


Geef het maar toe


Gute Nacht, Freunde