Boudewijn de Groot gave me the impetus to put together my own repertoire. The double CD 'Leeftijd' is the result. Of the eleven original Dutch songs, six are based on texts by the poet Driek van Wissen. His message in the poem 'Leeftijd' unfortunately applied to himself.

Driek was also far too young to leave this world. Driek was proud, as he himself said, that a number of his poems were immortalised in music. The beautiful arrangements for these songs were created with great care together with Laurens van Wessel.

Enjoy listening!






Nog steeds bij mij


Een nieuw Slaapliedje


Die Droom




Kou is.....


Bij de dag


Leef en heb Lief


Wat zo gewoon was !!!


Kwaad of erger


Geef het maar toe


The sun is shining!!!


Wanting to hide


Love = Life


See the whole world different


Try to find